Have You Checked Your Building’s Health Lately?

Everywhere you turn, health and fitness messages surround you. Your Fitbit tracks your daily steps. Your cafe latte tells you how many calories you’re drinking. Your social media feed challenges you to join the latest fitness craze. And that’s all before 9 a.m. on most days. As you walk into your office, do you stop […]

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Nourishment, Light Central to Increased Workplace Productivity

We’ve been sharing with you the key standards that are instrumental to incorporating the WELL Building Standard™ within the interior work spaces of commercial buildings, hotels and related indoor spaces. Indoor spaces are not just for work and meetings, they’re central to the health and well-being of people as an inordinate amount of our time […]

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Air, Water Quality – Instrumental to Building Health

The WELL Building Standard ™ is quickly becoming the leading approach to health and well-being in commercial buildings, hotels and related interior spaces. This is positive news as life and work keep us indoors much of the time. The opportunity to contribute to the creation of thriving spaces that support human health and well-being is […]

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Walking the Walk When it Comes to Safety

Some companies talk safety, but companies like Raimondi Horticultural Group do safety. As the cornerstone of its professional landscape business, safety awareness is a constant presence within the walls of Raimondi as well as the job sites of its clients. Raimondi recently was awarded the top safety award from the National Association of Landscape Professionals. […]

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Creating Positive Spaces Equals Good Business

With more than half of all US citizens living in urban areas and spending 90 percent of time indoors, it’s essential that the quality of indoor air and inside work life experiences be enhanced. Bringing nature inside and creating outdoor urban experiences in offices, hotels and homes is widely regarded as the primary principle behind […]

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Green Buildings Can’t be Denied

Biophilic design is taking the commercial building interior design world by storm and it’s a trend that’s here to stay. It revolves around bringing nature indoors to calm and inspire building inhabitants and visitors. On the surface, it may seem simple, idealistic or a fad to appease today’s workforce. However, that couldn’t be further from […]

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Weddings, Holiday House Tours Keep LFS Productions Creative

Creativity and an extraordinary passion for detail define the one-of-a-kind work of LFS Productions, the special events arm of The Raimondi Group that’s overseen by The Little Flower Shoppe’s Anne Miller and John Hoitsma of Raimondi Horticultural Group. Effortlessly juggling projects that range from photo shoots to house tours to weddings, the pair execute their […]

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Biophilic Design, a Priceless Workplace Trend

Desk plants have long been an undervalued work space commodity. Move into a new office and you unpack your pictures, calendar and the plant someone gave you as welcome gift at your last job. Fortunately, office plants have come a long way in recent years with people finally recognizing the health and wellness, not to […]

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Going Organic

The holiday season has been a busy one for us as we continue to be at the forefront of an industry trend toward more natural, eco-friendly holiday-scapes that reduce our collective carbon footprint. Our efforts to source more local product and fashion creative, organic holiday displays are gaining nationwide attention. Most recently, the news team […]

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Anne Miller Lends a Holiday Hand at The White House

Have you ever wondered who decorates the White House for the holidays? If so, read on! Our own extraordinary floral designer Anne Miller was among a small group of volunteers invited to help decorate 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for the holidays. A “glorious experience,” Anne and a talented team of fellow floral designers helped design and […]

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