Work consumes a good portion of our everyday lives. For most, nearly 40 hours per week is spent working inside. Inside an apartment, office building, retail store, theater or something enclosed. If you add in the hours spent sleeping, we spend more than a majority of our lives indoors.
When we’re not inside, we’re doing things to help us exercise, feel healthy, be vibrant, productive and well.
What if we can capture those feelings at work; as in a healthy office? What if our office environments were created with wellness and human health in mind?
It’s possible and it’s happening right now. With human costs representing 90 percent of a business’ operating costs, finding ways to create and maintain a healthy workplace is paramount to a profitably run business.
Healthy people and well buildings are at the forefront of a new movement. Think of it as the second wave of the sustainability movement. Employers have learned how to sustainably run their businesses. Now that they are learning how to create a healthy indoor environment that will make their company one that top prospects want to work for, why not start the process?
What makes a building a well building? Think plants. Green plants and colorful plants. Trees. Living walls. Living plants that create oxygen and clean the air.
Healthy buildings result in healthy, happy employees…and so much more, including:
- More productive employees
- Happier people who want to go to work resulting in less absenteeism
- Employees who sleep better and show up time!
- More self-confident
Every day, we’re learning how to make buildings healthier for your business and for your employees. Let Raimondi Horticultural Group evaluate the health of your building. Visit to get started.