Interesting Green Wall Facts

Let’s start by defining exactly what a Green Wall is and how green walls work. A Green Wall is a vertically built structure intentionally covered by vegetation. Which goes by many names such as Green Walls, Live Green Walls, Living Walls, Living Green Walls, and Vertical Gardens to name a few. They can be exterior structures where the climate would dictate the plant choices or interiors of homes or buildings where the amount of light would determine the plant choices.

  1. Who invented the Green Wall? In 1938 Stanley Hart White a Professor of Landscape Architecture from the University of Illinois patented a “Vegetation Bearing Architectonic Structure and System”. (thank goodness that name didn’t stick) Unfortunately, the prototypes didn’t progress past his backyard! Then in 1986 French Botanist and Designer Patrick Blanc invented the concept of the Vertical Garden and has been his quest to design Green Walls across the planet.
  2. The Tallest Vertical Garden is in Quebec and is 213’ high and spans an area of 2,139 square feet and has 11,000 individual plants.
  3. The Great Green Wall of Africa is a strip of trees stretching across Africa to stop the Sahara from moving South affecting the lives of millions. Once complete the Great Green Wall will be the largest living structure on the Planet, 3 times the size of the Great Barrier Reef! So far 128.8 million seedlings planted.

Some Green Wall Benefits Are:

  • Can decrease stress in the workplace and increase the feeling of wellbeing
  • Can absorb CO2 and VOC’s
  • Can reduce energy costs
  • Can reduce ambient noise
  • Can boost productivity
  • Can add property value
  • Can reduce deterioration on facades of buildings.

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