Sea of Green: Using Interior Plants to Increase Profits

Sure, plants serve as great decorative elements in a hotel setting. But aside from aesthetics, is there any other justification for investing in the installation, care and maintenance of live interior plants? Various studies show that there is. […]

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Bottom-Line Benefits of Interior Office Plants

With every building, the people that occupy them and the work that gets done in them is unique. Plants at Work, a national information campaign to inform professionals and the public about the numerous benefits of interior plants, has assembled new research indicating that adequate installation of interior plants can deliver bottom-line benefits and is […]

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Excerpt from Beat the Office Health Hazards

An unavoidable enemy in the office is the cocktail of chemicals that surrounds us. Did you know, for example, that carpets and chairs may contain formaldehyde, inks give off benzene, and photocopiers and PC monitors emit toluene? The effects of these can include breathing problems, eye irritation, anaemia, nausea and impaired co-ordination. […]

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Plants Nurture Office Creativity

I’ve always enjoyed having a few plants surround my desk. They create the feeling of a lush island in a sea of beige file cabinets, brown carpet and glowing computer screens. […]

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Greenery inspires creativity, problem-solving at work

Having a few green companions in the office can turn workers as sluggish as vegetables into more productive beings, a new survey by Texas A&M University shows. In “The Impact of Flowers and Plants on Workplace Productivity,” behavioral scientists in the university’s Center for Health Systems and Design found that men who work among live […]

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Improve Your Bottom Line with Greenery

Ivy improving indoor air quality? Philodendrons linked to productivity? Incredible, but true. According to the interior plants industry organization Plants at Work, Los Angeles, there are four proven bottom-line benefits created by interior plants. […]

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Decreasing Building Vulnerability to Bioterrorist Threats with Interior Plants

Since September 11, 2001 the odds of a biological chemical attack in America have greatly increased. An attack such as this could be devastating to a massive number of Americans while having severe economic consequences. The most likely approach terrorists might use is to employ an aerosolizer to release biological and chemical warfare agents into […]

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Plant Power

New research indicates that the adequate installation of plants can deliver a solid return on investment. […]

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