The Raimondi Horticultural Group are quintessential professionals in landscaping and maintenance. Their expertise, courteous and timely service is superb. They attend to every detail and Chris Raimondi’s attention to the project is spectacular. With no reservation I highly recommend Raimondi to anyone looking for any size landscaping project and maintenance.


RHG is a leader in the interior plant industry in the NY/NJ market. There’s no more knowledgeable “interior plant person” than Chris Raimondi and his team of award winning design and service professionals is unsurpassed in the metro NY area.

Steve Foster

Raimondi Horticultural Group (RHG) is the premier interior landscaping company in Northern New Jersey and metro New York Market. Chris Raimondi, an instructor at New York Botantical Garden and Bergen Community College, is knowledgeable and passionate about the interior landscape industry. The company is known for living green walls, moss walls, and professional horticultural services. Call RHG for your fabulous interior plantings and holiday decorations!!

Connie Hom