Has a long dreary winter combined with this pandemic got you itching for spring and a breath of fresh air? Breathe Easier and Install plants!
Can plants really clean and freshen the air you ask? YES, through photosynthesis plants convert the carbon dioxide we exhale into fresh oxygen, and they can also remove toxins from the air we breathe. One famous NASA experiment, published in 1989, found that indoor plants can clean the air of volatile organic compounds like formaldehyde and benzene. The use of indoor plants has proven to be a cost-efficient way of indoor air purification that could be adapted for a variety of environments. With no need for special requirements, plants can also add an aesthetic value that can have an indirect impact on human health (biophilia, which is a story for another time).
Even the best interior plantscape design could stand a face-lift and a breath of fresh air after a few years. An entire mood or look may be altered by redesign, updating containers, adding new plants, or even flowers. Imagine a clean, sleek new image and healthier work environment! Create a workspace for your employees that encourages creativity, productivity, and working together.
In this post-pandemic era, we can return to our office spaces without feeling sterile, and less connected to our co-workers. By bringing the outdoors in you can try using plants instead of plexiglass dividers. Vertical walls are great for this. Use moss walls (they even absorb sound) to create collaborative pods and floor plants to define single workspaces. How about creating a park-like environment in your cafeteria? Who wouldn’t want to return to work and reconnect with co-workers in this environment? We know live plants relieve stress, add to employee productivity, and clean the air, so you have no reason not to give your building a breath of fresh air with plants!
Poinsettias come in a wide array of colors – red, white, salmon, apricot and more – and they are often speckled or marbled. And, if you think you’ve seen them all, you haven’t. New varieties are released every year. Whether they are your favorite plant or not, they make a big impact on the U.S. […]
Creating healthier office spaces filled with happier people is a challenge faced by property managers and business owners alike. Competition to sell or rent office space is comparable to the daily job bosses face vying to hire the most talented employees. We’ve shared with you the value of living walls and the numerous health benefits […]
Having a few green companions in the office can turn workers as sluggish as vegetables into more productive beings, a new survey by Texas A&M University shows. In “The Impact of Flowers and Plants on Workplace Productivity,” behavioral scientists in the university’s Center for Health Systems and Design found that men who work among live […]